racing against the time itself


i've been tired for a while now

i've been tired for a while

i've been running and chasing

been following and racing

far and long for a while now

i didn't have time to catch the bus

to get to the station

to get on the train

to arrive at the airport

to find the plane

to fly far away

so i'm running, i'm chasing the train

running and chasing

and racing against the time itself

oh, i've been tired

i've been tired for so long now

i hate trains, i hate running

but i don't have a choice

yesterday i realised that the train disappeared

but i could hear its sound from behind

yet, i couldn't stop

yet, i couldn't stop chasing it

it couldn't keep up now

i guess, that wasn't enough

and i guess, i am still tired

but at least there is nothing to chase

been running for so long

for such a long time i've been chained

but i find myself

in the middle of the road again

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