anti-utopia’s perfection conspiracy
dramatis personae:
- world's savior
- stars' creature
the action takes place in the moment
of complete silence among
beautiful life that's continuing existing
although it's already destroyed
everything is covered with many shapes of green
different plants move and grow on the stage
they also are parts of the costumes
lights on
the light is very warm and is concentrated
on the space on the floor between
the two characters
world's savior and stars' creature
are standing in front of each other
turned sideways to the audience
stars' creature holds a dry rose in their hands
sometimes they run their fingers on fragile petals
music, containing only quiet calm sounds, starts
world's savior turns their back to
stars' creature and exhales heavily
stars' creature brings the dry rose to their face
live projection of character's eyes
in opposite angles of the back
of the stage starts
ws: do you remember that piece?
sc: which one?
ws: the one that reminds you of blades flying through your chest and causing an enormous number of cuts on your ribs.
sc: did you mean the one that reminds you all of that?
ws: probably.
sc: that's the second movement.
ws: of course, it is. it's always the second movement.
sc: unfortunately, that's how everything is established here.
ws: why? why should everything be like that?
sc: do you disagree?
ws: i do.
sc: you are too dissociated to be that prospective.
ws: i've managed to keep both my weaknesses here. not sure if it's a good quality.
sc: if you are not able to feel that time stops here or passes somewhere else, it is very unlikely that you would still have doubts about its structure.
ws: even though my mind hasn't been damaged on my way here?
sc: you are delusional.
ws: what makes you think i am?
sc: it never was your way.
ws: no. no. it was. there's no way...
sc: exactly. there's none.
ws: stop.
plants stop moving
the light starts flashing a little bit
world's savior looks up and inhales
sc: you know i can't.
ws: it's too complicated.
the light stops flashing
plants continue moving
ws: the world is unfair. every aspect of it is rotten and terrifying. but there's nothing i can do.
sc: but do you hate it?
ws: how could i not hate it? how could you not despise everything that is constantly ruining you like a spoiled child breaks its toy? and becomes more powerful and cruel during that process.
sc: the system is built on this principal. the only thing you can do is accept it just to ease your existence.
ws: but how can you ease your existence if it's so disappointing?
sc: i'm afraid you have no other choice. would you battle for the light?
ws: i would sacrifice everything for it.
sc: then it would go in vain.
stars' creature smiles softly and
runs their fingers on the rose's petals
ws: stop.
sc: you know i can't.
ws: i'm tired.
sc: i know.
ws: i cannot fight anymore.
sc: i know.
ws: i want to give up.
sc: you know you can't.
ws: it's unfair.
sc: that's how the world is built.
world's savior turns to stars' creature
lights go off for a second
and then come back
world's savior and stars' creature
sit down on the floor
ws: people are stupid.
sc: they are close-minded and programmed to think like the system wants them to think.
ws: doesn't it just confirm my words?
sc: partially. that defines more of a weakness than stupidity.
ws: allowing weakness to take control is stupidity.
sc: are you afraid of being weak?
ws: i'm afraid of losing control.
sc: it's the same thing. why are you afraid of people?
ws: i never said i was.
sc: it's also the same thing.
ws: they are completely blind and their blindness gives them the power to destroy everything and everyone who's not blind.
sc: don't you want to be destroyed?
ws: not like that.
sc: why not?
ws: people often die because of something they were afraid of. i don't want to die because of something i'm disgusted of.
sc: good point. how do you want to die?
ws: i want to die by something i hate. i want to kill myself.
sc: that's poetic.
ws: i've put a lot of effort in that sentence.
stars' creature laughs quietly
sc: but what about battling for the light?
ws: what's the point of fighting when you know all of it would be a waste?
sc: the life itself is a waste.
ws: then it's not worth experiencing.
sc: why not?
ws: do you know that feeling when you hate yourself so much you actually want to stab yourself with a knife of rip off your face? do you know how to continue existing when you know that all you do is disappoint other people and yourself? do you know how does it feel to always be not good enough?
sc: i'm familiar with the concept.
ws: then you would agree with me.
sc: i do. it's just a case of a principal to argue a little bit.
ws: cruel.
sc: it is how it is. aren't you cruel? isn't your biggest desire to destroy everything around you? don't you associate yourself with monsters because you know you are one?
ws: stop.
sc: you know i can't.
the light starts flashing
world's savior covers their head
with their hands
plants stop moving
ws: why haven't everything stopped?
sc: you're becoming weak.
ws: but i can't lose control here.
sc: everything is possible here.
ws: stop.
sc: you know i can't.
ws: why?
stars' creature breaks and drops the dry rose
and hugs world's savior
lights go off
lights on
world's savior and stars' creature
are standing in front of each other
turned sideways to the audience
plants continue moving
ws: do you remember that piece?
sc: which one?
ws: the one that reminds you of blades flying through your chest and causing an enormous number of cuts on your ribs.
sc: did you mean the one that reminds you all of that?
ws: probably.
sc: that's the second movement.
ws: of course, it is. it's always the second movement.
sc: unfortunately, that's how everything is established here.
ws: of course, it is. it's always the second movement.
sc: that's the second movement.
ws: probably.
sc: did you mean the one that reminds you all of that?
ws: the one that reminds you of blades flying through your chest and causing an enormous number of cuts on your ribs.
sc: which one?
ws: do you remember that piece?
sc: which one?
ws: the one that reminds you of blades flying through your chest and causing an enormous number of cuts on your ribs.
sc: did you mean the one that reminds you all of that?
ws: probably.
sc: that's the second movement.
ws: of course, it is. it's always the second movement.
sc: unfortunately, that's how everything is established here.
ws: of course, it is. it's always the second movement.
sc: that's the second movement.
ws: probably.
sc: did you mean the one that reminds you all of that?
ws: the one that reminds you of blades flying through your chest and causing an enormous number of cuts on your ribs.
sc: which one?
ws: do you remember that piece?
sc: which one?
ws: the one that reminds you of blades flying through your chest and causing an enormous number of cuts on your ribs.
sc: did you mean the one that reminds you all of that?
ws: probably.
sc: that's the second movement.
ws: of course, it is. it's always the second movement.
sc: unfortunately, that's how everything is established here.
the end.